Final Blog: Websites and Responding to Posts


Websites are an integral part of the internet. They are the actual sites you visit on an everyday basis. Common sites one uses are YouTube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and many more. Even though these are big sites, they do not encompass the entirety of the internet. There are blogs, e-commerce sites, and websites to solely post one's thoughts and imagination. Each and every single site is different from one another, based on the design to the type of website builder used to create it.

Website Builder

Based on the type of website you want to create, there are many website builders out there that can help you start your new website. As stated by Joe Van Brussel's CNET article, Best Website Builder for 2021, choosing a website builder depends mainly on your needs and the type of content you want to post (Brussel, 2021). There are a few favorite website builders out there, but not every builder is built the same. For instance, according to the CNET article, if you want a builder that is easy to use, then Weebly is the builder for you (Brussel, 2021). Weebly is not only the easiest to use, but it also has unlimited storage, can contain more than 25 to 30 pages, and is fairly affordable.

Another website builder available out there is WordPress. This builder is mainly targeted towards bloggers and writers, as stated by CNET (Brussels, 2021). Even though the editor is limited in what it can do, it is mainly catered to bloggers and writers who do not want to spend a lot of time on website design. For those bloggers who want more creative ability, other website builders are out there to be used.

Design Mistakes

When you have finally chosen the right website builder for you, it is important to avoid mistakes that could leave a bad impression on your target audience. As stated by TechZone360's article, Top Mistakes Creating High-Quality Website Design, it is important to remember the purpose of your website when thinking of its design (Straume, 2020). For instance, if you want to create a business website, then you would want a more detailed page and in-depth navigation for your target audience to easily use your website.

Another mistake that most website owners do is adding too many images or graphics to your website. Images are more likely to distract an audience from the purpose of your website (Straume, 2020). This can result in a loss of viewership, as well as loss of sales for business websites.

Light, Bright, & Polite - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of Josh Och's book, Light, Bright, & Polite: For Professionals, talks about how one should handle negative posts. People post images or content about you or with you in the post, but some of those posts may be detrimental towards the image you want others to perceive of you. For instance, Ochs gives an example of a friend of yours posting 15 pictures on social media and one of them seems to paint you in a bad light. To resolve that issue, you could send your friend a message asking them to either delete the image or post or change the post to paint you in a different light other than bad.

It is also possible, as Ochs states, that someone who uses a similar (or exact) name as you may be giving you a bad reputation.  Because many people believe that staying away from social media can give them a clean record, people with similar names as them can give them a bad reputation without a social media presence. If those people with similar names as you post inappropriate or offensive material on the internet, when people go to search you up, they will believe that you were the one who posted that content.

For this to be avoided or fixed, Ochs has three steps to help alleviate that. The first step is to know how others view you online, the second step is to create a plan to change how you are seen online, and the third step is to create a list of activities and hobbies, either personal or professional, that you would want an employer to see. With these three steps in mind, you will be changing how you brand yourself online, as well as how others are going to view you.

Final Class Thoughts

Overall, this class has taught me a lot in terms of building up an online resume and all the dos and don'ts of social media etiquette. I had hoped to enjoy it more and I had a lot of anxiety throughout the semester. My final thoughts leave you with this: it was an adventure with trials and tribulations, but we've made it.



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