
Final Blog: Websites and Responding to Posts

  Websites are an integral part of the internet. They are the actual sites you visit on an everyday basis. Common sites one uses are YouTube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and many more. Even though these are big sites, they do not encompass the entirety of the internet. There are blogs, e-commerce sites, and websites to solely post one's thoughts and imagination. Each and every single site is different from one another, based on the design to the type of website builder used to create it. Website Builder Based on the type of website you want to create, there are many website builders out there that can help you start your new website. As stated by Joe Van Brussel's CNET article, Best Website Builder for 2021 , choosing a website builder depends mainly on your needs and the type of content you want to post (Brussel, 2021). There are a few favorite website builders out there, but not every builder is built the same. For instance, according to the CNET article, if you want a builder

The Future of Augmented and Virtual Reality

Technology has grown massive over the last decade. We can learn, play and train virtually now and this is where an introduction to VR, or Virtual Reality, and AR, or Augmented Reality, comes in. Augmented Reality uses a real-world setting, such as your living room or a classroom to show virtual images, such as animals or new furniture. Virtual Reality uses a completely virtual setting. Both have revolutionized how people experience the world, whether through the use of a smartphone or a headset. Each has also impacted the world during the pandemic, as well as having an impact on the future. Shopping Target, one of the biggest retail brand companies, has been introducing new tech ideas to its website and mobile app for months now. According to Marielle Moon's article Target Uses Augmented Reality to Help You Shop for Furniture , Target has introduced not only a real-time map to locate its stores but also a visual search tool that is powered by Pinterest (Moon, 2017).  Recently, it

Alternatives For Better Presentations

We've been making presentations for years, and probably know the ins and outs of Microsoft Powerpoint. Let's move towards more engaging platforms to create our presentations on. The first would be the Sway, or Microsoft Sway. As stated by the title of Mark Kaelin's article, With Microsoft Sway, your next presentation doesn't have to suck . Microsoft Sway is stated to be a digital storytelling app or presentation software with multimedia features and tools. The app tries to connect with the younger generation, such as the multimedia savvy and the younger enterprise workforce, by offering them tools that they wouldn't see on regular Microsoft PowerPoint. Kaelin states that the app combines features found on other apps and software, such as PowerPoint, Movie Maker, and WordPress (Kaelin, 2015). With Sway, Microsoft wants the modern worker to communicate and collaborate effectively with other workers through digital technology. Another tool to help make your presentatio

APA Formatting and The Social Dilemma Analysis

The American Psychological Association is most well known for how we all format and type out our papers in school. Most of us all know it as the APA format, the one taught and wanted for all college-level papers. Though, for some, the formatting of this writing style has confused many people, including myself. A video titled APA Style and Literature Searches - Tom Kluxen , posted by the Stockton University YouTube account helps give a better understanding of how to format in APA, as well as resources for students, specifically those attending Stockton University, can use to search for sources. Formatting One of the aspects that the APA format is known for is its use of an abstract. The abstract is useful for readers, as it gives them a brief introduction to what they are about to read. When writing an abstract, instructors will vary in how long an abstract should be, though, the general consensus states that it should be around 150-250 words in length. It is also important to note that

Social Media and Job Searches

Are you searching for a new job? Maybe you have already prepared for the interviews and already have the perfect cover letters lined up. There's another thing to prepare for. Social media. Yes, your online presence matters to recruiters. According to Jennifer Spencer's article " 3 Ways Companies Are Analyzing Social Media To Make Hiring Decisions"   on Entrepreneur, this includes whether you have any online presence at all and whether your activities outside of work violate their values or differ from how you described yourself in your resume and cover letter. These could be indicators of whether you will even make it to the interview part of the process. This could be a potential problem for the 30% of the population who do not have any social media presence. Spencer mentions that "some 47% of prospective employers said that if they couldn't find a job candidate online, that they were less likely to call them in for an interview" (Spencer, 2018).  Havin

Google: A Tool For Productivity

So you guys all know Google right? Of course! Its the most relied upon search engine; but do you know how to use it effectively? Well no worries. We'll be covering that here today.  Chrome Extensions First up, everyone's best friend, extensions. Do you ever find yourself buried in emails and can't seem to figure out what's most urgent to reply to and what can wait until you finish a more pressing task? According to Eva Short's blog Want to be more productive? These chrome extensions could help   from siliconrepublic; there is an extension for this by the name of Snooze Email. You simply snooze the email as the title suggests and is timed to pop back up in your inbox when you are ready to read it. Yes it temporarily removes it so that it doesn't disappear and guarantees that you get to this task on a timely manner.  Short also mentions three other really good extensions worth mentioning. StayFocused, Just Read, and Todoist. Stay Focused sets a timer for how long

Twitter, The Art of Networking, and Your Digital Footprint

  Twitter. Only one of the biggest platforms to host anyone ranging from CEOs to average people like you and me. Twitter can be a source of news, entertainment, and many other things. This article briefly explains Twitter's role in the professional world.  Networking Twitter can be a great place to network because this is where you can find people from all backgrounds. If you are looking to learn more about a certain topic; someone on Twitter is bound to give you some information on it within a few hours. You can then follow and this could even lead to a connection with the person who is able to share this knowledge with you. This expands your area of knowledge on the subject and also gains a connection that could lead to future opportunities.  As the jargon goes, "It's not what you know, but who you know". Who you know is important for those seeking jobs, internships, or any experiences that will help them make strides in their future careers. According to Micheal Ro