Google: A Tool For Productivity
So you guys all know Google right? Of course! Its the most relied upon search engine; but do you know how to use it effectively? Well no worries. We'll be covering that here today. Chrome Extensions First up, everyone's best friend, extensions. Do you ever find yourself buried in emails and can't seem to figure out what's most urgent to reply to and what can wait until you finish a more pressing task? According to Eva Short's blog Want to be more productive? These chrome extensions could help from siliconrepublic; there is an extension for this by the name of Snooze Email. You simply snooze the email as the title suggests and is timed to pop back up in your inbox when you are ready to read it. Yes it temporarily removes it so that it doesn't disappear and guarantees that you get to this task on a timely manner. Short also mentions three other really good extensions worth mentioning. StayFocused, Just Read, and Todoist. Stay Focused sets a timer for how long